Day 14: Final Universal Day

Our last full day in Orlando so we returned to our favourite spot of Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. We were up early and walked to Universal again, it seems other people had the same idea as our lonesome walk was now shared with six other people. Not only did these ruin our final journey but the woman in front of us decided to light up and put us right in the line of second hand smoke. Thanks lady.

Once we got to our destination we headed straight for Hogwarts, but it was only 8:50 and so only early access people were being let through…that was us, once. My mind boggled at the thought of the hoards of people going in through the early access line when there was only 10 minutes until the actual line opened, not really taking full advantage!

When the masses were unleashed it was a sea of bodies all headed in one direction and upon reaching Hogwarts the line was already outside the castle and the line time showed as 45 minutes. We decided to sneak in the back way and boom, we were straight on the ride again. Result. Afterwards, smiles on our faces and the desire to watch the Harry Potter movies again, we splurged and bought Debora a shirt and a fully working Maurders Map! We’re going to need a display cabinet for when we get home.

Then we rode Flight of the Hippogriff, a really short rollercoaster where you get to see a hippogriff but only Hagrid’s house. Harry Potter Land really lacks Hagrid and Snape. It was then onto the water show of Posideon’s Fury which was fun and got us out of the really stifling heat. Finally a final trip on the Spider-Man ride before we headed over to Universal.

At Universal we were met with Bart and Lisa so we posed with them before heading towards Despicable Me. The line was 80 minutes long so we went straight to the shop where we met a minion for another photo op. We had two other ride photos that we needed to get for our photo card so we went on the Mummy ride and Men In Black: Alien Attack before heading to Krusty Burger for lunch.

After lunch it was a ride on the Simpson’s ride again – they really need to put the safety instructions in Spanish as the annoying people in front of us decided to use flash photography, but the ride was shaking them so much the pictures looked awful. Then we headed to more photo ops with Optimus Prime, Shrek and Donkey – who talks to you – and Doc. Brown! We had a fun little chat about him building time machines and where I was from, as I said goodbye, he pulled me aside and whispered “Hail Hydra” having obviously noticed my Captain America shirt. I then went on the Hollywood Rip, Ride and Rocket. This was really good but I didn’t get the video package of it – no one needs to see that.

Finally it was time to bid farewell to Universal. We had done everything, enjoyed our day, enjoyed our stay but will be happy not to have to use our feet again for a while…

Day 12: Universal in IMAX

We made plans yesterday to see a movie at the AMC IMAX cinema and have a posh meal at one of the more fancier restaurants at City Walk. But we hadn’t planned on spending the whole day at Universal. We walked to the park and had some breakfast at Cinnabon, a large cinnamon bun which was very cinnamony, before heading into Islands of Adventure where we went on the Hulk coaster again. Debora conquered the Hulk for the second time! The ride photo was quite good so we inquired about buying it but were talked into buying the photocard. All ride and character photos for $50. This then sparked a panic of getting as many photos as we could before the day was out.

Tired out from photo snapping, we stopped for a drink at the Three Broomsticks. Lemonade for me, frozen butterbeer for Debora. The menu at the Three Broomsticks is traditionally British with cottage pie and fish and chips, but it’s still a mass fast food hall which is a shame, as that’s not British.

In Super Hero Square Debora was accosted by the Green Goblin and I bowed down to Doctor Doom. We then posed with Spider-Man – YAY – who we told about the Green Goblin outside so he ran off to fight them. We were able to get photos with all the other Marvel heroes in the park before heading down to the cinema where we saw Godzilla in 3D on an IMAX screen. The screen really wasn’t that huge and the chairs, despite being leather and reclining, weren’t that comfy. The film was OK although ended pretty strangely but we got to experience the American movie with people cheering at parts and applauding at others.

We made the mistake of buying a large popcorn/drink combo deal. The popcorn bucket was HUGE and you could get free refills on it which would have been great if the popcorn wasn’t horrible salty/cheese combo. Ugh.

Then we went to our reserved dinner date, our first meal without fries and the first with a tablecloth. I did a fine job of getting sauce on said tablecloth and my napkin. I did feel the meal was overpriced, but still tasty. As is tradition in America, all service was really quick, far too quick that you don’t really get a chance for your meal to settle.

Our day ended with more photo opportunities in Universal Studios and when we went to confirm all the photos – disaster! It appears that another families photos had been attached to my card. They were using my email address, somehow?! We managed to recover all our snaps and got them associated to another card, but we were a little worried for a moment there and moreso, who’s using my e-mail address?

We’re not playing the “how many comments can you get on your shirt” game anymore, as today Debora wore her new Doctor Who tardis dress. Everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE, commented on how awesome her dress was. People stopped her to ask where she got it, guess where – IN THIS VERY PARK! It got Debora rather embarrassed and me, really jealous.

Two days left, we’re Disneying tomorrow for more rides and photos and back at Universal on Tuesday. Our feet are still ruined.

Day 9: Sea World & Universal

Last Thursday was our first full day in Orlando and we visited Sea World. One week later, we did the same. The last time ‘Journey To Atlantis’ was closed whilst we were queuing and this time it was down for maintenance. Another sign this was not the ride for us. We then were going to go on the Manta Ray ride but a pending thunder storm saw them close the attraction. Typical.

We watched the Shamu show again, from a safer distance this time, which was still just as good. Then we went to the Arctic section and saw some Beluga whales and then a really shabby and sad looking polar bear. He kept pacing the same route over and over, it was really sad to watch. We then saw the walrus who again looked really sad and was swimming in the same pattern. Not nice.

Then we went to the ‘Pets Ahoy’ which featured cats, dogs and other farm yard animals performing tricks. This was really fun and all the animals used in the show are rescue animals – hurrah! After, we got to pet the puppies which is always good.

Having spent a long time waiting and driving down to Sea World we took the I-Trolley back up to the hotel in the middle of the afternoon. Halfway through the journey, the driver had to change shifts so we were stuck in the bus station for ten minutes waiting for them to sort the next driver out.

After a recharge we went down to Islands of Adventure. It was due to close in an hour so we thought the lines would be quiet. It had just rained too and we were able to get on the Harry Potter and Spider-Man rides again with no wait times. I’m really loving Universal. We then hopped over to Universal Studios as the heavens opened and drenched us. We joined the queue for Despicable Me, a thirty minute wait but it dried us off. This ride was really violent, it bumped and shook you around in the car vigorously and I’m not sure it’s really suitable for little ones. Both Debora and I came off with sore necks.

We then walked around the park again as dusk settled, Universal by night really is beautiful. We went straight onto the Transformers ride again and saw a photo op with Optimus Prime. This isn’t a man in a silly costume, it’s an actual robot. Impressive! But the most important photo stop of the day was still to come. I think I might Gosling/Culkin this for years to come.


Then it was straight onto The Simpsons again, this time we were front row and it was a much better experience. Although it still needs some extra’s like a splash of water and some smells. We then picked up some Lard Lad Donuts and marvelled at the food court. It’s not just Krusty Burger but Luigi’s Pizza, Moes, a Lisa’s Healthy stop, Frying Dutchman and BumbleBee Man’s Tacos. Excellent.

We skipped by the Men In Black ride and pined a little over the Diagon Alley attraction that’s behind the fences. Finally bought some merch and headed back to the hotel. Tomorrow is Star Wars Friday and we need our rest!

Day 5: Islands of Adventure…and relax.

As part of our holiday package, we were given two early access to Harry Potter World at the Islands of Adventure. Annoyingly they are only valid for the first seven days of your holiday so we thought we better use one of them! It’s Mothers Day here in the US so we hoped the parks wouldn’t be as busy as they were yesterday – we were wrong. It was just as busy as it was yesterday by the afternoon – but the morning. Empty.

Being in the park an hour before opening meant we could get on practically everything within ten minutes. First it was Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, this is the ride where you get to queue through Hogwarts and it’s mightily impressive. As there was no line we didn’t really get to experience how fun the queue could be – there were talking and moving paintings, the sorting hat, the goblet of fire, everything Potter. With wait times reaching over two hours in busy periods, at least you have something to keep you entertained.

We then trotted off to the former dueling dragons ride, now re-branded as the Dragon Challenge. Again straight on but after another really long walk through the queue area. After this fun rollercoaster we waited in line at Ollivanders where only thirty people at a time go inside the wand shop and an actor picks a child and puts on a little magic show. It could have been more fun for everyone but it was an entertaining little show and afterwards you get to find the wand for you. Debora is now the proud owner of a birch wand with a unicorn hair core.

Then it was butterbeer time! Debora loved it.

Mmm, frothy.

Mmm, frothy.

With the rest of the park now officially open, we made our way to the Marvel Super Hero Island where we rode the Spider-Man ride and gawked at all the amazing merch and statues. As a Spider-Fan, I think this is the best ride, but as far as the 3D simulators go, the Harry Potter one probably has it beat. As well as the simulation and 3D video screen journey, it includes anamatronics and the such, it had me yelping on more than one occasion – no wonder it’s such a popular ride.

We then foolishly decided to go on the Popeye River Rapids, it had just opened it’s doors so we were straight onto the ride, on our own. It hasn’t been so hot today and a storm is surely brewing, two things we didn’t take into consideration on these rapids that stated “You Will Get Wet” as opposed to the other water rides at Disney where it said “You May Get Wet”. The sign wasn’t accurate. We didn’t get wet. We got soaked.


We tried to dry off, our clothes drenched through but then went on Dudley Do-Right Ripsaw Falls, a log flume with an 75-foot drop. Any drying off we had done was wasted as once more, we were drenched. When in Rome and all that, we then went on another water ride – Jurassic Park’s River Adventure. This was a gentle ride until the 84 foot drop where – you guessed it – we got drenched. The drop wasn’t bad, it was after when gallons of water are shot at you. We would spend the rest of the day squelching.

We wandered around some more shops and I managed to get my photo with Cyclops – I’ll have to go back to get the rest – before we went on the Hulk rollercoaster. This shoots you forward straight out of the station and into twists and turns, awesome fun with great views of the park. Not only did Debora pose for the photograph on this ride – with her eyes open! She also conquered the Hulk.

It was then nearing midday and we’d done all the major rides. We headed back towards Jurassic Park where we ate our first garden burger and fries – it was a good lunch in a country where if you’re a vegetarian who doesn’t want cheese pizza, you go hungry. It was then a trip back through The Wizarding World of Harry Potter which was rammed now. We stopped in the sweet shop and picked up some fudge and then decided to pop over to Universal Studios. This would have been easier if Diagon Alley was open!

The Despicable Me queue was still huge – we’re going to have to go back first thing or in the evening for this one it seems, but we saw the Terminator Experience and saved E.T.’s home planet. It was only around 2pm and we were shattered so decided to head back to the hotel. We got out of the wet clothes and recharged our batteries before heading next door to Pizza Hut for dinner. Finally, an early night can be had and just in time too, for tomorrow we’re up early again to catch a coach to the Kennedy Space Center.

Yesterday, I was wearing my Wayne Stock t-shirt which got two comments from strangers. Today, I wore my Harry Potter shirt, which I got sent in the TeeFury lucky dip, this had four comments on how awesome it was. I win at t-shirts. Talking of which, I’ve seen some awesome ones I must own before we leave! We’re making a list of all the things we want to buy – one of those things that is on the list but sadly only a pipe dream are the replica statues of the Avengers. I was posing for photos with them all morning only for Debora to point out the sign that they were actually for sale! We asked the sales guy how much they went for…$6-7k each. If only…